The Very First Wee Gardener Post

The Very First Wee Gardener Post

Today we have a very special blogger, Maggie, my 10 year old Princess Artiste. She and I built a 3′ x 3′ raised bed garden exclusively for her use. With it being the tail end of this growing season, we just picked out a couple of things on clearance to tide her over until she settled on something she really wanted to grow. Can you tell how much I love clearance sales yet? She wanted to write her own blog. So she sat down with her Hello Kitty clipboard, some paper and a pencil and hammered out a rough draft. Then, she typed it herself on Google Docs. Without further ado, here she is:

 All About My Garden

I have a garden and one of the plants in there is Chocolate mint. It’s a plant with leaves on it and it taste like mint. Chocolate mint is also good on cupcakes, and cake, I can not think of any other ideas, but any way you would not put it inside on whatever you like it on you would put it on top, which is more better,and if you want ladybugs then you should get Chocolate mint. Ladybugs also love to hang out on other plants to but they love Chocolate mint. After that I planted this wonderful plant that helps it get rid of mosquitoes. The plant has a minty smell it’s not a strong smell though.I have two of them in fact my family hardly has any. Ladybugs also like the plant. I have one more plant and it’s called lemon balm.Lemon balm taste bitter by itself but it is really good on apple cider! If you see any dead leaves, be sure to pick them off so your plant can be a healthy plant. Be sure you pick the mean bugs off so they will not eat it!!! In the winter it dies but it grows back in the spring cool isn’t it? If it dies and does not come back, do not worry it always means you can grow new plants.  

  • Your true gardener,Maggie

Please note: the title and closer are supposed to be pink. I’ll have to figure out why it didn’t carry over at a later time, but she’s itching to get this published, so….

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3 Replies to “The Very First Wee Gardener Post”

  1. That’s absolutely amazing Maggie! I love that you are making gardens with your mom and that you are blogging about it. That is the coolest! And thank you for sharing about which plants the ladybugs like. They are my favorite bug and bring me good luck. 🙂

  2. Thanks for the great information on Lady bugs and chocolate mint. I may have to try and grow some. Thanks Maggie.

  3. Love the garden! Chocolate mint sounds like something I will grow next year as I plan for spring!

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