So yeah….it’s kind of, sort of my birthday. ::winces::

So yeah….it’s kind of, sort of my birthday. ::winces::

It’s not a coincidence that on September 14th, 2017, I decided to launch this website. Today is my 42nd birthday. Hold on. I need to catch my breathe. ::gasps::  Okay. I just needed a second to process that.  While I have been considering starting a blog for a long time, I didn’t feel very confident about what I had to offer. I also didn’t feel like I had the time. But, folks…if the current average life expectancy of a woman in the United States is 85.4 years (according to the SSA website and probably under the best case scenario), then I’m just about half done with this lifetime. ?! And my body has already started to say, “Whoa there, Partner. You aren’t exactly a spring chicken, y’know…” What about all the stuff I wanted to do?? What about making the world a better place and other junk?? I never got to finish my degree and go out there and save the world! ::deep breathe:: I’m being a drama queen, sure. But the fact is that I can’t keep waiting around. And since 42 is the answer to the question you haven’t even asked, why not start today? (Yes, that’s a slightly vague literary reference. You get 10101.13 points if you correctly guess which book.) So. Here I am.

Something pretty cool though. Over the weekend, Jeremy went shopping. It was kind of obvious that it was for my birthday present, but I had no idea what it was.

A notebook, a dog, and a stick. Perfect.

Tonight, he hands me this awesome (and fancy) moleskin notebook with graphed paper for garden planning and a card with a dog that looks like Kouta (you’ll meet him later as he photo bombs every single picture ever) and Boxcar combined…WITH A STICK! He hadn’t even seen my garden planning steps post yet. I’m taking that as a sign.

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